In order to narrow the differences between theoretical knowledge and learning opportunities, we created an interactive book on Architectural Acoustics.
The experience and the skills of the teams representing several countries let us develop a tool for architects to understand the acoustics behind architectural projects. Its purpose is to help architects in their everyday work and inspire them for their future projects.
Meet our team
Filip BarańskiCEO at KFB AcousticsKarolina JaruszewskaProject Manager at KFB AcousticsMarcin ŁuczakAcoustician at KFB AcousticsEckhard KahleCEO of Kahle AcousticsThomas WulfrankAcoustician at Kahle AcousticsYann JurkiewiczAcoustician at Kahle AcousticsMonika RychtárikováProfessor at KU LeuvenChrist GlorieuxProfessor at KU LeuvenJoanna JablonskaPhD at WUSTRomuald TarczewskiDSc at WUST
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.